
Response to John Boyne: Why I support trans rights but reject the word ‘cis’ The crux of the "why I reject the word cis" argument is here: I consider myself a man. For while I will happily employ any term that a person feels best defines them, whether that be transgender, non-binary or gender fluid to name but a few, I reject the notion that someone can force an unwanted term onto another. I think there is a misunderstanding here that could be cleared up.  For most people, even most trans people, "transgender" is not an identity.   Male ,  female ,  nonbinary ,  two spirit ,  gender fluid  --- those and many more are gender identities.  But the word transgender  is an adjective on one of those identities, it is not an identity in and of itself.  If you are male , then that is your gender.  Most men don't refer to yourself day to day as a transman  or a cisman , even if one of those labels might accurately describe yo

No Surprise... Dancers Imitate Others' Movements Better than Non-Dancers

Did we really need a study to figure this one out?  Glad to know the world is still round and the Pope is still Catholic.